There are many types of wallpapers, almost as many as ideas can go through your head, and that of your children. When it comes to finding your perfect children’s room wallpaper, you can be imaginative. Fathers and mothers can let their imagination run wild thinking about the things that appeal to their little boys and girls. Children love to dream of other worlds, planets, giant flying animals, artifacts that cross the skies or seas, horses, unicorns, fast tigers in search of food, and a lot of images that almost seem dreamlike. At Muance you will find all those creative lines in our wallpapers.
When it comes to finding and decorating the children’s room, we must take into account these ideas, which, although they may seem daring, magical or exciting, your kids will love them.There are two main families of wallpapers:
These types of ideas will help you to create an atmosphere in children’s rooms that you will love as much as they do, with fun touches and beautiful colour combinations. There are many designs. You can be original, adventurous and satisfy the love of colour with bright wallpaper.
Here are a few options for decorating a children’s room.
Introducing a botanical theme
Very trendy these days, maximalist motifs are becoming more popular than traditional floral motifs or smaller repeated patterns. It’s all about taking a more adventurous approach to decorating ideas. It seems obvious that green colours or natural tones will dominate in botanicals and it will be better to decorate the space choosing complementary colours that accompany these ranges of green in nature itself.
Educational Wallpapers, always useful
It is possible to use educational content that arouses curiosity in our decoration. A map of the world can work particularly well in a child’s room, as it serves as an educational aid or guide and a colorful decoration. Look for a company like Muance for good quality, modern wallpaper that can create a custom design that fits perfectly on the entire wall. To go along with this, practical flooring and furniture are excellent choices in a child’s room. Patterned rugs will disguise stains, while a sturdy trunk has great storage potential.
Futuristic wallpaper design
In this case we can turn our children’s room into a whole new galaxy, with images that combine in the existing space, representing its planets. You can go with the most known planets such as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn the Moon (or its phases). There are endless possibilities.
Cheerful colourful wallpaper for a children’s room
Colourful children’s room wallpaper are a great way to inject a touch of creativity into a wall. Just by introducing some fun elements into a simple set will suffice. If we are talking about shared bedrooms, why not take a colour your kids love and use it to create an adult scheme that is both fun and sophisticated? You can create a work of art.
A subtle pattern that never goes out of style: animal motifs.
Forget the stereotypical cheap fabrics and tacky designs. If we use wallpapers in the right way, animal motifs can add a real sense of sophistication to a room. A child’s room is an ideal setting for a strong print, and children’s room wallpaper is an easy way to work with animal motifs.
An adventure in the sea can be a great theme to educate the children in the care of nature, a labyrinth with a difficult exit in a forest, an underwater world or a genuine jungle book. Those too are great ideas to include in your children’s room wallpaper.
From Muance we offer you our blog with some very accessible tips for you to enjoy the challenge of installing your wallpaper. If you have any questions, contact our team of wallpaper professionals.
Enter our website and discover the perfect wallpaper for your project. Do not hesitate to contact us or you can even register in our professionals area to obtain advantages such as samples and all the data of our tendy wallpapers and available materials. Also, here you can find our last Catalogue.